Help with Homeschool

You know what gets me fired up.. well, a lot things really. I should really work on that. 

Anyway, what gets me fired up is creating order out of chaos. I love to see a mess and slowly put things in order. I love to look at a hard situation and find solutions that serve everyone.

So when my children, I decided a strict schedule for the long summer days would make everyone happy. It would be like school and everyone would be excited about all the different plans I had for the day.

Imagine my disbelief when I was loosing my marbles because the outdoor time ran into snack time, and the quiet time after lunch did not last that long.

Oh I was so precious, wasn't I?

I learned then and know now that a strict routine does not work for our home. I like the idea of rhythms better. Rhythms are approached with ease. Rhythms are flexible. Rhythms allow breathing space. Creating a rhythm frees our minds to make less decisions during your day. Rhythms are what we are using in home school right now. Below is a daily rhythm I have created for our family.

HomeSchool Routine 2020

I encourage you to create a rhythm to your days so we can all feel more accomplished at the end of our day.   

 Love, B


Hope for the Weary Soul


Gain Control in a Out of Control World