How to Start the New Year Right

It’s a lot, do you feel it? Happy New Year!

New Year, New You

New habits leave behind old habits.

Let’s work out more, but don’t work out too much.

Eat this, not that.

Pray more, worry less.

Goals, resolutions, Oh My!

It’s crazy out there and if you are like me, we feel the pressure. I mean I know it’s not all bad. I love a fresh new planner with crisp white pages ready for the promise of a better year. I love the possibilities, hope and excitement a new year brings. And I think a new year is the perfect catalyst to make some changes and spur you on for new beginnings.

But I also get so overwhelmed with all the changes I think I need to make that I end up doing nothing at all and then I feel like a giant failure. Well, isn’t everyone else out there crushing it, pursuing their dreams and being a new, better person. At least that’s what I tell myself.

So, the last couple years, I have had to take a minute in all the swirling thoughts and must-dos and… 


“What lady, are you crazy?”, you may say. This is the time to press forward, I am over the last year. Let me get on with it!

I know... I get it.

I want to press forward too. But for a moment, it’s more important to reflect a bit.

Ewww.. everyone says.. Reflect… that sounds boring!

Yes, I am challenging you to take 15 minutes today or sometime this week to reflect.

What do I mean by reflect? I challenge you to take some time to look back into the previous year. We have to understand where we have been and make sure we learned the lessons we needed from the previous year. We also need to make sure we are reflecting from the previous year, so we don’t repeat the same things again. I don’t know about you, but I want to move into this new year with a fresh perspective. I believe we can look back and let the previous year teach us a couple things. This way we take the good lessons into the new year and leave the negativity and misfortunes in the past.

I mean that’s a pretty good deal- Right?!

Here are a couple suggestions that may help you reflect over the last year. I am not saying you have to do them all, but I would suggest you do at least one.


Anytime we pause to get things out of our heads, we are clearing our minds for wiser choices and better discernment.


  • List 10 specific things you were grateful for in 2019

I like to open up my calendar to remember all the good that happened. I mean my memory extends about 15 minutes back, so I need the calendar. Looking back at my calendar prompts me to remember fun memories. Please know, you can find the good if you search hard enough. I have had very hard years that I could not get away from fast enough but taking a minute to find the good reminds us that God is in control and of His Faithfulness. Those are two vital things we need to take with us into the new year!

  • Write down what worked & what did not work in 2019

We did a lot last year. We said yes to a lot of really good things, but some just didn’t work for our family. You have to honor and know what works for you and your family. Listen we are not all the same. What energizes one family or friend, may completely deplete you. That’s wonderful that we are all not the same. Own who you are and who God made you to be! 

So, when I look over the previous year for example, I try to consider what activities worked for the kiddos and what activities were more of a hassle. I also try to look at what rhythms that worked for our family and what did not. For instance, Sunday nights at home make a better Monday for our family. For some reason ever since my kids were little trying to squeeze an outing or gathering into a Sunday evening has just caused havoc to our week. I also try to reflect on what activities worked to renew me and my soul for the year. What did I do because I thought I “should” but then regretted it? All great things to ask ourselves.

Categories to Consider

  • My Soul/Faith

  • Marriage

  • Family (Kids)

  • Relationships (Friends, extended family)

  • Activities/Routines (can be separated if needed)

  • Rest

  • Home

  • Health

Reviewing these categories allows me to take the rhythms and “good” things into the new year and leave behind the ones that did not work.

  • Finally, I like to write a letter to God thanking Him for all He has done for me and my family in the previous year.

Please don’t let this one freak you out. Guess what, God is not concerned with your punctuation or elegance of words, He just wants your heart. So, release the pressure to write a long, elegant letter to Him. It may just be a list of what you are grateful for. It could be a swift note to say thank you, but I don’t understand what you are doing here. Just be honest! The letter not only reminds us of the good in our lives, but it also helps remind your heart and soul that God is in control! Again, walking into the new year, we need to be clear about Who is in charge.

We are going to work out some new things in the New Year, no need to fret. But I challenge you to pick one of these today to reflect on and move into the new year with gratitude and a fresh perspective!

Love, B 


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