Help to Avoid Burnout - Part 1

The other day while I was gloriously multitasking (insert eye roll), I decided to take my lunch outside. It was a nice, warm day and a welcome change to my workday. I spend most of my workday staring at computer screen, so I welcomed the chance for fresh air and sunlight.

So, in my true perfectionist tendencies, I gathered my lunch on a plate with a bowl on top, a drink, my opened laptop computer and my phone to head outside. With one accidental swipe with the door, the bowl went tumbling down to the floor and distributed my whole lunch all over the floor. My lunch consisted of cauliflower rice and veggies, so there were small pieces of cauliflower rice everywhere. It was a wet, gross, large disaster!

To say I had a little too much on my plate would be the understatement of the century. Why could I not just walk the food outside, then make another quick turn to come back inside and get my computer? I mean would it honestly hurt my progress or my daily routine to make two trips outside to get all that I need?  Bless…

The truth is I can get in this rut where I live my life like that. I pile it on, pile on more and then I spill it. Usually, I spill on those closest to me. You know, the ones that live in my home. The ones I love the most.

Over time, I have learned some red flags to watch for as I lead into spillage or an "Overload Breakdown". If we are to prevent overload, we must watch for the red flags and course correct before the spillage or breakdown happens.


Here are some red flags we need to watch for:

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Inability to make simple decisions

  • Negativity

  • Complaining

  • Short tempered

  • Demanding more coffee and less water (I need to get through the day...ugh)

  • Irritability

  • Every minute squeezed out with a task


Please know this is not an exhaustive list, but ones I have noticed personally. Maybe these resonate with you. I believe self-awareness is a great tool. By tracking and evaluating our actions and emotions, we can better prevent the breakdown.

Stick with me next week, where I will share Part 2 of this mess and how I thought I cleaned everything up instead I had really just created more of mess. Bless my heart!

What are some “red flags” in your life that you are headed into an Overload Breakdown?


Help to Avoid Burnout - Part 2


Resting- What’s the Big Deal?