Resting- What’s the Big Deal?

I am always looking for things that will keep me motivated to keep my working out. Sometimes, it’s the beautiful, warm weather that gets me moving. Sometimes, it’s a sermon that I am loving that will push me a little longer. Sometimes (a lot of times), its 90s hip hop jams pushing me a little further in my workout.

Recently, I have been using the Nike training app. It’s a pretty sweet app that has a trainer walking you through workouts step by step. Having a trainer in my ear does motivate me. The trainer will also guide me through proper body positions (i.e. suck in this, relax that) to prevent injuries. And as a 40-year-old momma, I am always trying to prevent injury.

In one of my workouts a couple weeks ago, the kind trainer voice (By the way, ain’t nobody got time for some harsh, mean trainer yelling at me) says “Okay now it’s time to rest. Make the most of this rest and recovery time so you can get the most out of the next activity coming up.”

I mean BOOM! I felt like the Lord was like this is WHY taking time to rest is so important.

I believe there is a lot of confusion about taking time to rest.

  • Some may think resting is a sign of weakness. What, you can’t keep up?

  • Some may believe they are missing out on fun things if they rest.  I mean, FOMO is alive and well.

  • Some, like myself, struggle just to come down off the hamster wheel of life to allow rest in. I can get so wound up getting everything done, everyone where they need to be and trying to control everything that I have a hard time chilling out. Please tell me I am not alone!

 But here lies a hard truth.

The harder it seems for you to find to rest,
the more desperately you need it.

And I don’t think God gave us the gift of rest to just make us stop for a hot minute, I believe He also knew we would need the energy to prepare us for our next adventure, or simply our next week. Just like the trainer in the Nike app said, “rest & recover, so you can make the most out of the next activity”. 

So now when I schedule in rest for our family, I approach it from a completely different standpoint. I approach the need for rest so that we recover from the prior and we are prepared for the future.

So, are you scheduling in rest for you and your family? If you want to be at your best, focused, energized and clear headed, rest has to be a vital part of your week.

Let me know how you do this for yourself. And drop me a note to let me how you do this for your family.

Love, B


Help to Avoid Burnout - Part 1


Are We Allowed to be Sick?